About Chris
Chris has assisted people with lifestyle guidance, behavioral changes, self-empowerment and community resiliency for 14 years.  Mr. Allen has a knack for helping people cultivate sustainable self-enhancing traits that boost their confidence and self-worth.  

Chris offers a fresh and unique approach to his clients due to his educational background in Criminal Justice, Psychology and Counseling coupled with his professional work history in the criminal justice and social service fields. 

Throughout the years, Chris has studied, attended trainings and lead various groups all aimed at improving our present condition for a more rewarding life.  Mr. Allen is passionate about hypnotherapy and has yet to find another technique that is as powerful of an accelerant for change.  Chris was able to curb his fear of heights with hypnosis.    
*  Chris studied hypnotherapy and graduated from Aldebaran Hypnotherapy Center. 

*  Mr. Allen is certified by the State of Washington, Credential Number HP 60770807. 

*  Chris is a member of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association.  

*  Mr. Allen is certified in Advanced Hypnotherapy

Advanced Hypnotherapy Specialties and

*  Certified as a Spiritual Journeys Practitioner.   


A Message from Chris
Thank you for visiting my website and I look forward in working with you.
I call myself the Curator of Hope because throughout my life and interactions, the occurring theme of hope is what lifted others and myself up from the trenches.  I have worked with people from all aspects in life, even those serving decades in prison.  I discovered we all carry hope inside of us, no matter how far gone we may appear. 
Hope is often buried underneath our trauma, pain, anger, perceived failures, irresponsibility or from the negative affirmations we received from others.  Through our working relationship, my goal is for you to discover the hope that lives inside of you.  With this hope, you will live a more vibrant life.